Complications of hip replacement surgery

Complications of hip replacement surgery


According to orthopedic surgeons –Hip joint is also known as acetabulofemoral joint.  It is the joint connecting the femur bone and the acetabulam. Its intended function is to support human body in stationary position as well as in walking or running. The hip joint performs the most difficult task of maintaining the balance of our body. Problems relating to hip joint are known as hip disorders. The hip joint is located inside a capsule filled with lubricating liquid. Ligaments position the joint in its position without causing any slipping. Hip disorders usually affect ligaments, cartilages etc as a result of osteoarthritis. Minimally invasive procedure to understand the condition of the ligaments and other constituents of a hip joint is known as hip arthroscopy.

Hip replacement surgery

Due to old age, the cartilage inside a hip joint becomes brittle and consequently they split. As the cartilage wears down its cushion effect is lost resulting in inflammation and pain. During the early days of osteoarthritis medications will be enough to get relief from the pain and other symptoms. After some time medications cannot control the pain. At this stage minimally invasive procedure known as hip arthroscopy will be performed to bring relief to the patient.  If this is not giving any appreciable benefits then the only solution is to go for hip replacement surgery.

Complications of hip replacement surgery

Clotting of blood:  Blood clots are  formed in the veins of your legs after the surgery.  This can take epic proportions since a clot can travel to your lung when it breaks. It may even reach your brain on rare occasions. Blood thinning medications prescribed by the doctor can be of great help to the patient.

Fracture: During the surgical procedure portions of your hip joint may get fractured. Some fractures heal by without any treatment. But if the fracture severe it needs to be corrected with wire, metal plates, pins etc.

Dislocation: Ball of your hip joint may get dislodged within a few months after the fixation of the prostheses.  Doctors usually provide braces to help the hip bones to remain in position. If it is dislocated surgery will be needed for placing them in the correct position.

Infection: In every hip replacement surgery mclean va infections are common at the site of incision. This risk can be treated with antibiotics. If infection reaches your prosthesis then you will have to replace the existing one with a new one through another surgery.

Change in the length of your leg: Sometimes one of your legs may look longer than the other one after the hip replacement surgery is completed. Contracture of muscle around the hip can be the cause for this change in length. Progressive stretching the muscle can be helpful in some cases.


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